Few days ago, Maxim initiated a discussion session with APAD the regulatory authority. The main topics of discussion were the process of applying for an EVP (E-Hailing Vehicle Permit) by new drivers, as well as its renewal for the current drivers.
Delegation from Maxim included the Company Director, Licensing Specialist, and Lead User Support Specialist. They posed question APAD about the E-hailing system which is being used for applying new license, renewal and cancellation of EVPs.The result of the discussion, that the EVP licenses of those drivers who had previously been obtained them must be renewed. Since this information had not been previously brought to the attention, Maxim’s employees proceeded to update the data in the system.
During the discussion session the representatives from Maxim and APAD have agreed to meet once again as soon as APAD upgrades its E-hailing system to a newer version.
The company is eager in legalizing drivers and continously informing and reminding them about the importance of EVP license. To obtain EVP license from Maxim, drivers are required to contact its nearest office or request from the drivers’ mobile application ‘TaxSee’ and submit all relevant information, afterwards Maxim will send to APAD for issuance of EVP license and then Maxim will provide the driver with the EVP license as soon as it is obtained.
However, in accordance with the current e-hailing regulations, only drivers who are performing passenger orders are required to have EVP license. Drivers who are providing delivery and courier services are not required to obtain EVP license. They can continue to provide services without EVP license.
Maxim is always longing to comply with all the existing e-hailing regulations established by the relevant Ministry. Furthermore, the company does not stop its initiatives to meet with the authories and extend its co-operation and maintain strong relationship with the relevant Ministry.
Maxim bertemu Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD)
Baru-baru ini, atas ikhtiar “Maxim”, sesi perbincangan dengan pihak APAD telah diadakan. Topik utama perbincangan ialah proses memohon lesen EVP (E-hailing vehicle permit) untuk pemandu baharu Maxim termasuk pembaharuan lesen EVP untuk pemandu semasa
Wakil-wakil Maxim termasuk Pengarah syarikat Malaysia, Pakar Pelesenan dan Pakar Sokongan Pengguna hadir semasa sesi perbincangan. Soalan yang ditumbukan kepada pihak APAD berkenaan sistem E-hailing yang sedang digunakan bagi memohon, memperbaharui dan membatalkan lesen EVP tersebut. Hasil daripada perbincangan tersebut adalah wajib untuk memperbaharui lesen EVP yang dikeluarkan sebelum ini tidak dimaklumkan daripada pihak APAD kepada Maxim. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak APAD meneruskan mengemas kini data pemandu Maxim masing-masing dalam sistem E-hailing.
Walau bagaimanapun, semasa sesi perbincangan ia bersetuju antara pihak APAD dan Maxim bahawa sesi perbincangan akan diadakan semula apabila pihak APAD akan menaik taraf kepada versi sistem E-hailing baharu.
Pihak Maxim seleras mengingatkan pemandu berkenaan kepentingan lesen EVP. Para pemandu Maxim perlu menghubungi pejabat berdekat atau permintaan daripada aplikasi pemandu “TaxSee” dan memberikan maklumat yang berkaitan. Kemudian, pihak Maxim akan menghantar kepada APAD bagi pengeluaran lesen EVP.
Walau bagaimanapun, bagi pemandu yang menyediakan perkhidmatan penghantaran, perkhidmatan kurier dan lain-lain tidak perlu mendapatkan lesen EVP. Pemandu sedemikian boleh menyediakan perkhidmatan penghantaran tanpa memerlukan lesen EVP.
Pihak Maxim sentiasa bersemangat mematuhi peraturan e-hailing berkaitan yang ditetapkan oleh pihak Kementerian. Di samping itu, pihak syarikat tidak menghentikan ikhtiar bertemu dengan pihak berkuasa secara berterusan bagi mengeratkan perhubungan dan menghulurkan setiap kerjasama kepada kerajaan.